


Remember to make the Chattabot role higher than the roles you're trying to add, follow the GIF bellow for help.



Select the channel to send the level up messages to users!

Disabled Channels

Select Channels to disable getting XP


Change the messages sent when levelling up Or when a user gets a new role


XP Boost

Turn on the slider to enable.

Boost Users that have a role, this also makes it possible for your server boosters to have a bonus.

Select the role to be boosted.

Change the percentage to no higher than %100.

More Work Boost

Turn on the slider to enable.

Give more XP to users who have put more effort into their messages, Any of the following below Will give the user the boost.


The amount of words to be sent before adding the boost.

Attachemt Count

How many attachments (Images) to be sent before adding boost.

Link Count

How many links need to be sent before adding the boost.

Boost Percentage

Boost Percentage is the amount you want to boost for more work boost.

XP Options

Premium Only Change the XP given or needed to a user

XP Needed Multi

XP Needed is the Multiplied amount of XP needed, this is multiplied by the level that the user has.

XP Min

The min amount of XP that is given every message

XP Max

The Max amount of XP that is given every message

Adding Levelling Roles

Add Leveling Role

After clinking the button, a box will be added.

Change the level field to the level you want the role to be added to a user.

Change the Role field to a role that will be added after a user has achieved the level.

Leveling Box